Successful delivery of the 2030 Agenda requires engagement from all businesses.
Why the Blueprint for SDG Leadership?
Business cannot thrive unless people and planet are thriving. This includes ensuring that the world is on a path to meet all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), with 17 SDGs and 169 targets, is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. The SDGs are universal, transcend borders and apply across the workplace, marketplace and community. The SDGs are deeply interconnected – a lack of progress on one goal hinders progress on others. In a world of increasing inequality, civil unrest and environmental stress, business will only thrive if the 2030 Agenda is realized.

Take Action on SDG Leadership
Successful delivery of the 2030 Agenda requires engagement from all businesses. The Blueprint for SDG Leadership provides a framework for those companies aiming towards SDG leadership. The 2030 Agenda needs companies of all sizes and from all regions to contribute. Building on an assessment of the qualities of current and past business action on the SDGs, the Blueprint presents a framework for the next generation of business leadership. The intention is to foster contribution to the SDGs at scale.
Platform Activities
Over the course of a year, participants in the Blueprint for SDG Leadership platform will have access to a variety of activities including:
Monthly calls with the multi-stakeholder Task Team, shaping the Blueprint's development and content
Participation in a global survey of leadership practices that dives into geographic and sectoral differences