Determine your path to water stewardship

Companies have different approaches to embracing water stewardship. It’s important to identify what process works best for you, so that you can address water needs most effectively for your business.

Every step you take may require different degrees of investment and sophistication. That’s why many companies evolve from basic to more advanced water stewardship practice.

Follow a progressive path

Consider our Water Stewardship Maturity Progression in assessing where you are on your water management journey and to chart a course for the future. Based on the experience of many companies, it’s easiest to start by getting your own internal operations in order. Then, you can move to understanding the broader context in which you operate, and to driving sustainability in your value chains and in the river basins near your operations.

This is just one model companies can follow, but some companies may find that another process works better for them.

Water Stewardship Maturity Progression

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