Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Addresses the opportunities companies have to generate business value; the priority actions that are common across industries; and the key enablers of success.
This report summarizes the proceedings of the fourth UN Private Sector Forum on Sustainable Energy for All.
Explores how donors can effectively support public-private collaboration in order to attract sustainable investments and foster development in the Least Developed Countries. To this end, the report takes stock of existing donor programs aimed at engaging the private sector in development activities, identifies shortcomings and promising approaches, and offers recommendations on how donor programs can attract more public-private collaboration to the Least Developed Countries.
This guide offers baseline definitions and practical steps that SMEs can take toward effective management of the social, environmental and economic impacts of supply chains.
Reviews the recent history of such partnerships, and makes recommendations for enhancing their effectiveness and scale.
Advances understanding of Boardroom engagement in environmental, social and governance issues and provides a roadmap for how companies can better integrate oversight of these issues into the Board agenda.
A stocktaking and assessment of existing and emerging water accounting methods and tools being used in the private sector.
Designed to provide information that will inform both how individual companies can respect the human right to water, as well as how the CEO Water Mandate itself can meaningfully contribute to business’ ability to effectively address this issue.
This paper explores recent developments and best practices in supply chain transparency, supplier engagement, and responses to shifts in trade and globalization.
This report illustrates and surveys how Global Compact companies based in the United Kingdom are contributing to development both in the UK and around the world.
Provides an overview of CEO perspectives on progress to date, challenges ahead and the journey towards a sustainable economy.
Presents case studies of companies that have adhered to the SA8000 standard as a way to advance their commitment to the Global Compact.