Fidelidade – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. |
Company |
Diversified |
Portugal |
31-Oct-2022 |
Debtges Lda |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Finance and credit services |
Portugal |
10-Oct-2022 |
Nhood Portugal |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Real Estate Investment & Services development |
Portugal |
30-Sep-2022 |
The Loop co. |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Software & Computer Services |
Portugal |
26-Sep-2022 |
AdP – Águas de Portugal Internacional, S.A. |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Gas, Water & Multiutilities |
Portugal |
26-Sep-2022 |
Aguas de Gaia |
Company |
Gas, Water & Multiutilities |
Portugal |
26-Sep-2022 |
CCA LAW FIRM - Cruz, Salinas, Mayer & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Industrial Support Services |
Portugal |
12-Sep-2022 |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Chemicals |
Portugal |
23-Aug-2022 |
SIMDOURO - Saneamento do Grande Porto, S.A. |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Gas, Water & Multiutilities |
Portugal |
08-Aug-2022 |
NEYA Hotels |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Travel & Leisure |
Portugal |
08-Aug-2022 |
Ertecna Lda |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Diversified |
Portugal |
02-Aug-2022 |
Águas do Douro e Paiva, s.A. |
Small or Medium-sized Enterprise |
Gas, Water & Multiutilities |
Portugal |
02-Aug-2022 |