Decent Work


The COVID-19 crisis has uncovered the huge decent work deficits that still prevail in 2020. In particular, the crisis highlights the vulnerability of millions of working people and the lack of social protection coverage. At the same time, many small businesses are operating in precarious situations and global supply chains are often too weak to be sustainable.




  • Efforts to limit financial impacts should not be made at the expense of workers’ rights and welfare. We support and encourage companies to take effective measures to identify, prevent mitigate and account for how they address the risks of adverse impacts on human and labour rights in their operations and in their global supply chains.
  • Ensuring responsible business conduct is vitally important and maintained regardless of the uncertainties that lie ahead.
  • Engagement with suppliers is essential to ensure decent working conditions in global supply chains while providing support for business continuity by allowing flexibility in delivery and quotas.
  • Social dialogue between managers and workers are key elements to jointly address the impacts of this crisis.
  • In the context of an economic downturn, sustaining minimum wage levels is particularly relevant to protect workers in a vulnerable situation and to reduce poverty.
  • Paying manufacturers for finished goods and goods in production.
  • Maintaining quick and effective open lines of communication with supply chain partners about the status of business operations and future planning.
  • Re-think procurement practices as they play a key role in creating sustainable supply chains.
  • Promote respect for the ILO labour standards.



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