Blue bonds: Accelerating Sustainable Ocean Business

  • As the largest asset class in the global financial market, the bond market can play a significant role in catalyzing investments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
  • With high investor demand for thematic bonds, there is huge potential for a blue bond label nested within existing green, social, or sustainability-linked bond principles. 
  • The 5 Tipping Points for a Healthy and Productive Ocean and the Sustainable Ocean Principles can serve as a framework to guide investments. 

Key Facts:

  • SDG 14: Life below water currently receives the second lowest amount of capital invested of any of the SDGs. However, the ocean has a significant role to play in supporting sustainable development.

What is the Action Platform doing this year? 

  • Continue collaborating with stakeholders to create a consistent understanding and broad consensus of what constitutes “blue”. 


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